Friday, March 6, 2020

Passport to Teach Day 2 The complete teacher resume

Passport to Teach Day 2 The complete teacher resume Day two of Passport to Teach was all about your golden ticket to a new world of teaching - your resume.Today’s webinar walked through elements of the complete teacher resume. To build the session, we spoke with our placement coordinators and considered the thousands of education resumes we’ve seen at Teach Away.  We’ll send out the recorded webinar with all of our in-depth resume-building tips along with free resume samples and lots of other free content from Passport at the end of the week (just make sure you’re signed up here to receive all the content!). In the meantime, I’ve put together some key points from today’s The Complete Teacher Resume and How to Make It Yours webinar:Resume must-have sectionsIdentification and contact informationCertifications/CredentialsEducationTeaching/Teaching-related ExperienceOptional resume sectionsObjectiveQualifications/SkillsActivities and InterestsExtracurricular experienceVolunteer experienceProfessional developmentAbroad Experien ceStyle2 pages unless seeking a leadership positionUse simple, clean, easy-to-read design elements (proper spacing)Use 1 to 2 fonts maximum throughout your entire resume â€" vary weights and caps instead Sans serif fonts are recommended (Arial, Helvetica, Calibri, Proxima Nova, Franklin Gothic varieties are some options)Stick to black and white â€" if done properly, one additional colour may be appropriateAvoid graphic elements unless you are a designer or applying to a related position  Here’s an example of the types of samples we will be circulating to our Passport attendees at the end of the week: (Page 1)    (Page 2)Thanks to all who have joined us for the first couple days of Passport to Teach. This is our first ever career development week for teachers and we are really excited to be delivering a week of content for free!Tomorrow (Wednesday), we will be tackling all the questions our teachers around the world have about qualifications, certifications, degrees, and experience in Do You Have What it Takes to Teach Abroad?It’s not too late to join us for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (and to get all the week’s stuff!) See what we have lined up for the rest of the week and sign up here!

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